Tour of Balti Jaama Turg & Telliskivi

Kestvus 2 tundi

This tour introduces the two most hip urban areas in Tallinn – Balti Jaama Market and Telliskivi Creative City. The newly-restored Balti Jaama market complex is not only a marketplace for everything from fresh vegetables to antiques but also something of a community centre, drawing in locals for their everyday shopping as well as the unique atmosphere. And indeed a visit to the food market must include a tasting, for example some street food.

Another focal point of this tour is Telliskivi Creative City, an artist-friendly complex in a reclaimed factory area. More than anything, the hub is a vibrant urban space with a distinct bohemian character. The once industrial buildings of the former Baltic Railway factory now house a varied array of businesses, cultural facilities, shops and bars. Telliskivi Shopping Street is the place to browse Estonian design and craft items while Telliskivi’s many cafes and restaurants allow for a funky dine-around lunch or dinner. Depending on the group’s size and interests, the tour may include a hands-on leather workshop.

Duration: 2-3h

Book with Via Hansa

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