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January 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
23.-25.01.2018 International Conference Teaching for learning – the university perspective www University of Tartu Tartu 250 - 300
25.-28.01.2018 Clean World Conference www Let´s Do it Foundation Tallinn
28.-29.01.2018 Meeting of the Secretaries General of the European Union Parliaments www Chancellery of the Riigikogu Tallinn 100

February 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
22.-25.02.2018 Annual Congress of International Federation of Eurochestries www International Federation of Eurochestries Tallinn

March 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
08.-08.03.2018 NORTH STAR AI conference www North Star AI Tallinn
13.-17.03.2018 European Students’ Convention www Estonian Students´Association Tallinn 105
21.-23.03.2018 Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM) Annual Conference www SVEPM Tallinn 250
26.-27.03.2018 ERN-EYE Annual General Meeting www ERN-EYE Tallinn 60
27.-28.03.2018 FINTECH360 www FINTECH360 1000

April 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
05.-06.04.2018 Baltic Metabolic Meeting www Estonian Society of Medical Genetics Tartu 88
06.-07.04.2018 7th Baltic Atherosclerosis Society Conference www The Baltic Society of Atherosclerosis Tallinn 350
06.-07.04.2018 TMW Creative Impact Conference www Tallinn Music Week Tallinn
13.-15.04.2018 BaltPharm Forum 2018 www Pharmaceutical Society of Estonia Tartu 389
16.-17.04.2018 GameDev Days 2018 www Creative Mobile Tallinn
19.-20.04.2018 28th EURASHE Annual Conference www EURASHE and Estonian Rectors Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences (RKRN). Tallinn 150
22.-24.04.2018 Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments www Foreign Relations Department of the Chancellery of the Riigikogu Tallinn 300
24.-25.04.2018 MITOEST 2018 www National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics Tallinn
25.-27.04.2018 11TH BALTIC SPORT SCIENCE CONFERENCE www Baltic Sports Science Society Tartu 130
28.-01.05.2018 VI International Symposium on Strong Nonlinear Vibronic and Electronic Interactions in Solids www University of Tartu Tartu

May 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
02.-05.05.2018 The XXXIV IFUSCO – International Finno-Ugric Students’ Conference www IFUSCO Tartu 171
02.-03.05.2018 World Services Group 2018 European Regional Meeting www World Services Group, COBALT Estonia Tallinn
09.-11.05.2018 Biosystems Engineering conference 2018 www Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu
13.-15.05.2018 The 34th EUFASA (European Union Foreign Affairs Spouses, Partners and Families Association) conference www Estonian Families Association Tallinn 60
14.-17.05.2018 23 Meeting of the Eurobats Advisory Committee www Eurobats Tallinn 85
16.-20.05.2018 9th Conference on Legal History in the Baltic Sea Area www University of Tartu Tallinn, Tartu 68
22.-25.05.2018 EAZA CONSERVATION FORUM 2018 www EAZA Tallinn 158
23.-25.05.2018 NACT – 13th Nordic Experience meeting “ECT – 80 Years of Experience“ www Nordic Association for Convulsive Therapy Tallinn 157
23.-25.05.2018 ETC (European Travel Commission) 95TH GENERAL MEETING www ETC Tallinn 60
24.-25.05.2018 Latitude59 www Tallinn 1500
24.-26.05.2018 14th Congress of the Baltic Neurosurgical Association www Baltic Neurosurgical Association Tartu 150
25.-26.05.2018 Council of European Dentists General Meeting www Tallinn
29.-30.05.2018 Tallinn e-Governance Conference 2018 www EGA Tallinn 250
29.-01.06.2018 10th International Conference on Cyber Conflict www NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence Tallinn 500
30.-01.06.2018 Baltic and Scandinavian Internal Auditors Roundtable 2018 www IIA Estonia Pärnu 45
31.-01.06.2018 DLM Forum Annual General Meeting www The National Archives of Estonia and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Tallinn
31.-02.06.2018 67th ECCE General Meeting www Estonian Association of Civil Engineers Tallinn 117

June 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
01.-03.06.2018 The 12th Lennart Meri Conference www International Centre for Defence and Security Tallinn 250
03.-05.06.2018 The 64th International Down and Feather Bureau (IDFB) Plenary Meeting www Joutsen Tallinn 200
04.-05.06.2018 9th Annual Forum of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region www Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia Tallinn 700
04.-04.06.2018 20th Baltic Development Forum Summit ‘Time for a BSR 2.0?’ www BDF Tallinn 350
05.-08.06.2018 ENFSI FEIWG 21st Annual Meeting Estonian Forensic Science Institute Tallinn 60
06.-08.06.2018 International Testing Conference “Nordic Testing Days” www Nordic Testing Days Tallinn
07.-08.06.2018 GeekOut www ZeroTurnaround Tallinn
07.-08.06.2018 Housing Europe Annual General Assembly & International Conference www Housing Europe Tallinn
07.-08.06.2018 International Conference Industry 4.0 in Practice www Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications Tallinn
09.-09.06.2018 4th Interdisciplinary Cyber Research workshop www Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn
10.-12.06.2018 Third Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studie www University of Tartu Tartu
10.-13.06.2018 MODSCAPES – Baltic Landscape Forum 2018 www Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu
11.-15.06.2018 CAiSE 2018 – International Conference on Advanced Systems Engineering www University of Tartu Tallinn 200
11.-12.06.2018 BPMDS’18 – Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support www University of Tartu Tallinn
11.-11.06.2018 11th International iStar Workshop www University of Tartu Tallinn
12.-12.06.2018 STPIS’18: 4th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS development (STPIS’18) www University of Tartu Tallinn
13.-16.06.2018 European Architectural History Network Conference www Art University of Estonia Tallinn 300
13.-15.06.2018 5th European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions Conference (EPSSE) Conference www Tallinn University Tallinn
14.-16.06.2018 FECAVA (Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations) Eurocongress www FECAVA Tallinn 1200
14.-17.06.2018 2nd International Conference on Zika Virus and Aedes Related Infections www Target Conferences Ltd Tallinn
18.-22.06.2018 PACTS 2018 – The first Particle, Astroparticle and Cosmology Tallinn Symposium www NICPB Tallinn
18.-18.06.2018 7th EuroPris Annual General Meeting www Estonian Ministry of Justice, Department of Prisons Jõhvi
19.-20.06.2018 23rd Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services www Estonian Prison Service Jõhvi 130
20.-21.06.2018 Skin Forum 2018 Annual Meeting www The International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology Tallinn 160
24.-01.07.2018 Nordic Knitting Symposium 2018 www University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy Viljandi 100
25.-29.06.2018 International Humor Conference www Estonian Literary Museum Tallinn
26.-29.06.2018 The 27th Nordic Conference in Mathematical Statistics NORDSTAT 2018 www University of Tartu Tartu 150
26.-29.06.2018 Baltic Heritage Network Conference “New Beginnings of Baltic Diaspora” www Baltic Heritage Network Tartu
27.-29.06.2018 Mobile Tartu 2018 www University of Tartu Tartu
27.-28.06.2018 EAEA – European Association for the Education of Adults General Assembly and Annual Conference www EAEA, ANDRAS Tallinn 100
28.-29.06.2018 Infusion Therapies for Advanced Parkinson’s Disease: Team Management www Tallinn
29.-29.06.2018 5th BBA Baltic Business Aviation www AeroPodium Tallinn

July 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
01.-04.07.2018 Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2018 www Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn 320
02.-07.07.2018 IASJ annual jazz meeting www AISJ Viljandi 100
05.-07.07.2018 34th EGOS Colloquium www EGOS Tallinn 1893
10.-14.07.2018 Global Ecovillage Network’s (GEN) XXIII European Conference ‘Wisdom of Conscious Communities’ www Estonian Ecovillage Network Lilleoru 500
12.-14.07.2018 SubTech Conference 2018 www University of Tartu Tallinn 40

August 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
13.-16.08.2018 The 5th meeting of INTER (International Network on Timber Engineering Research) www Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn
17.-19.08.2018 X Baltic Moreno Days www MTÜ Psühhodraama Tallinn
21.-25.08.2018 The 10th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR2018) www Tallinn University Tallinn 400
21.-24.08.2018 The conference “Frontiers in Delivery of Therapeutics” www the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Cell Engineering and Institute of Technology, University of Tartu Tartu
24.-25.08.2018 Nordic lash Conference www NLC Tallinn
29.-02.09.2018 The 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea www Tallinn University Tallinn, Tartu 500
29.-02.09.2018 Create – JA Alumni Europe annual conference www JA Alumni Tallinn 200
30.-31.08.2018 18th Meeting of the ICANN-Studienkreis www ICANN Tallinn
31.-02.09.2018 Nordic Stuttering Seminar www Eesti Kogelejate Ühing Tallinn

September 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
05.-07.09.2018 ICEM (International Council for Educational Media) Annual Conference www ICEM Tallinn
05.-05.09.2018 The Earth Innovation Forum www Estonian Minister of the Environment Tallinn 250
05.-06.09.2018 4th Cyberspace Operations Annual Discipline Conference 35
06.-08.09.2018 XXII World Congress of the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races www Sport Event Team Tallinn 200
07.-07.09.2018 Refresh 2018 www Refresh Tallinn 500
12.-12.09.2018 X-Road Community Event 2018 www Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions Tallinn 200
13.-15.09.2018 61st Congress of the European Envelope Manufacturers’ Association www European Envelope Manufacturers Association Tallinn 130
13.-14.09.2018 ANNUAL BALTIC MILITARY HISTORY CONFERENCE www Baltic Defence College
13.-13.09.2018 Tech Day 2018 www Santa Monica Networks Tallinn
17.-21.09.2018 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference www EUMETSAT Tallinn 300
17.-19.09.2018 RISE2018: Responsible Innovation in Sustainable Ecosystems www MARINA project Tartu
17.-19.09.2018 PLLS 2018 Second Workshop on the Protection of Long-Lived Systems www Tallinn University of Technology
17.-21.09.2018 NAFO 40th Annual Meeting www NAFO Tallinn
17.-18.09.2018 ENRD: 12th Meeting of National Rural Networks www ENRD Contact Point Tallinn
19.-20.09.2018 EID Forum www eID Forum Tallinn 320
21.-21.09.2018 PSYCHERENCE 2018 www Eesti Transpersonaalne Assotsiatsioon Tallinn 669
21.-23.09.2018 IFFS workshop (International Federation of Fertility Societies) www IFFS Tallinn
21.-23.09.2018 Joint Meeting of International Federation of Fertility Societies and Baltic Fertility Society “The Management of Infertility” www University of Tartu
23.-25.09.2018 Global Education Industry Summit Estonian Ministry of Education and Research 150
25.-26.09.2018 Baltic Carbon Forum 2018 www BASRECCS Tallinn
26.-27.09.2018 EA Laboratory Committee 36th meeting www EA Tallinn 67
26.-26.09.2018 The Annual Baltic Conference on Defence (ABCD) www International Centre for Defence and Security Tallinn 250
27.-29.09.2018 The 8th Conference Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective www NLP research group, Institute of Compute Science, University of Tartu Tartu
27.-28.09.2018 Baltic Project Management Days 2018 www EPMA - Estonian Project Management Association Tallinn
30.-02.10.2018 2nd Nordic-Baltic Impact Assessment Conference 2018 www Tallinn University Tallinn

October 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
01.-06.10.2018 IBA 67th Congress and WCC in Tallinn 2018 International Bartenders Association Tallinn 600
02.-03.10.2018 WSE 2018 – 14th Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering www Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn
04.-06.10.2018 XIV Baltic Nephrology Conference www Estonian Society of Nephrology Tallinn
05.-06.10.2018 VI Baltic Heart Failure Meeting www Estonian Society of Cardiology, Celsius Healthcare Tallinn 255
05.-06.10.2018 6th Baltic Student Conference “Bridges in the Baltics” www Tartu
08.-10.10.2018 BEC2018, the 16th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Embedded Systems www Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn
08.-13.10.2018 Hope for Europe www EEA Hope for Europe Network 600
09.-12.10.2018 ICOM-ICME 51st Annual Conference: Re-imagining the Museum in the Global Contemporary www the Museum in the Global Contemporary ICOM ICME, Estonian National Museum and ICOM Estonia Tartu
09.-11.10.2018 NSCF Annual Conference 2018 (Nordic Science Centre Forbund) www NSCF Tallinn
10.-12.10.2018 18th Baltic Peat Producers Forum 2018 www Estonian Peat Association Tartu 200
15.-16.10.2018 Tallinn Digital Summit 2018 www Government Office of Estonia Tallinn
16.-19.10.2018 6th International Swan Symposium www Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu
17.-19.10.2018 ESHA (European School Heads Association) Biennial Conference www Estonian School Heads Association Tallinn 700
18.-20.10.2018 11th Baltic Conference of Hematology 2018 www Estonian Hematology Association Tallinn 160
19.-20.10.2018 UTGC 2018: “The Ethics of Conduct in Debate” University of Tartu Graduate Conference 2018 www University of Tartu Tartu
25.-26.10.2018 Baltic Energy Summit www EEL Events Tallinn
26.-28.10.2018 Veterinary Medicine 2018 www Estonian Veterinary Association Tartu
30.-31.10.2018 2018 NorCAS Conference- IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference www IEEE 80
30.-30.10.2018 GreenEST Summit 2018: Future for Buildings! www Tallinn Science Park Tallinn

November 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
02.-03.11.2018 Tallinn Dental Conference www Profedex OÜ Tallinn
04.-07.11.2018 7th Baltic Electrochemistry Conference: Finding New Inspiration (BEChem 2018) www University of Tartu Tartu
05.-06.11.2018 Finadtech- affiliate marketing conference www Finadtech Tallinn 300
06.-07.11.2018 12th International Wood Architecture Conference 2018 www Estonian Forest and Wood Industries Association Tallinn
06.-06.11.2018 Seed Forum Tallinn www Seed Forum Tallinn
07.-09.11.2018 The 32nd Businet Annual Conference www Businet Tallinn 200
07.-08.11.2018 BAAC (Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council) conference 2018 www Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council Tallinn
15.-15.11.2018 Leasing Life Conference & Awards 2018 www Leasing Life Tallinn
20.-22.11.2018 TopConf Tallinn 2018 www TopConf Tallinn
21.-23.11.2018 Innovation Circle Network – XI annual conference www ICN Tallinn
22.-24.11.2018 First international conference “MULTILINGUAL AWARENESS AND MULTILINGUAL PRACTICES” (MAMP18) www MultiLingNet Tallinn
26.-27.11.2018 Moontec 18 www Moontec Tallinn 1000
29.-30.11.2018 War and Disaster Medicine Conference 2018 www The Estonian National Defence College Tartu
29.-29.11.2018 Nordic Real Estate Forum 2018 www Association of Real Estate Companies of Estonia, Tallinn
30.-30.11.2018 SCULT FEST 2018 – Sport Friends and Volunteers Inspiration Day www Tallinn University Tallinn 300
30.-01.12.2018 Robotex International Conference: Generation R www Robotex International Tallinn

December 2018

Dates Event WWW Organizer City Venue No. of attendees
09.-10.12.2018 Annual Conference of Human Rights 2018 www EIHR Tallinn
13.-15.12.2018 4th International Conference on Itineraries in Translation History www University of Tartu Tartu